Love you Linda. I know you're having trouble with calls, but I miss you, and i hope to see you in July.

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wow so sorry to hear this. linda never knew me but i knew her from the internet. 💕 she brought so much knowledge to my life and reading her comment on huffpo truly changed my entire life trajectory.

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Is there anyway I can send you a paper check? For security reasons I don't use any of the methods you list.

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I've been distracted for some time by my own ex-partner dying-of-dementia drama, so this was a bit of a shock. Is the TBI from getting shot in the face? Linda is so smart and so fierce that dementia is hard to imagine in her. It is tragic, honestly, because we need lots more real ones like Linda in the world rather than fewer. She has probably had an effect on way more people than she could possibly imagine because of her writing and her accuracy in calling out bullshit. This hurts my heart, even in the midst of my own grief.

Dammit, Linda, we're gonna miss you (all of us anonymous internet randos). I'm way below the poverty line, so all I can do is a very small, token donation.

Oh, SHIT, this sucks, is all I can say.

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Thank you for the links, but more importantly -- thank you, Linda, for the example you set.

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THE Laura Lippman? Aww, now I'm more of a fan than ever.

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I don't about "the" but I am definitely "a."

BTW, I can't use my PayPal account until next week, but I will be contributing. I'm sharing this on Twitter today and I didn't want anyone to think I was all show and no go.

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THE all the way. It's exciting to see a local celeb in the wild.

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